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When working on your septic system, you may assume that every maintenance task will be daunting and stinky, but that actually isn't the case. As long as you're being mindful of what is going on inside the home, it will keep the system healthy.
All in all, taking care of your septic system is not complicated and doesn't have to cost you a lot of money.
Frequent Pump Inspections
Average septic systems should be inspected at least every three years by a septic service professional, and are generally pumped every three to five years. Furthermore, systems with electrical float switches, pumps, or mechanical components should be inspected more often, generally once a year. Taking into account the various mechanized parts in alternative systems, a service contract is a very reasonable option. There are a few things that will help avoid overworking your system.
In terms of the actual process, the four major influences are:
Household size
Total wastewater generated
Volume of solids in wastewater
Septic tank size
Don't Overload It
There are a few things that will help avoid overworking your system. Make sure to check faucets and make repairs whenever they are necessary. You should also look under the house or in the basement, to make sure there are no additional leaks.
Using flow reducer nozzles on showers and aerators on faucets can help lower water consumption and reduce water levels for small loads of laundry. Look into energy-efficient appliances. Moreover, wait until your dishwasher is full to run it or try shorter cycles to use less water.
Use a displacer to reduce the amount of water needed to flush the toilet.
Flush Warnings
You should never flush cat litter, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons, paper towels, facial tissues, coffee grounds, or cigarette butts and filters down the toilet. Doing so can clog septic tanks. Grease also clogs the septic drain field, making it impossible for the soil to absorb liquids. If you pour excessive amounts of grease, you'll need a new drain field, which will not come cheaply.
Neglecting Septic System Treatment
When a septic system is left untreated, it'll start facing several problems, such as:
Sludge buildup
Odor Issues
Slow drains
Nasty systems
Grease buildup
The EPA recommends that septic tanks be pumped every three to five years to empty the tank.
To learn more about ways to properly maintain septic tanks, contact Micro-Bac International, Inc. by calling (346) 900 4775 or visiting