
Asphaltene Control for Select Crude Oils
Ben-Bac™ is a proprietary combination of biological and biochemicals used to control select asphaltenes, enhance flow properties of selected asphaltic oils, and prevent paraffin deposition. Ben-Bac™ acts to break apart organic deposits in the perforations, pumps, and tubing. Due to the diversity of structural types of asphaltenes and the complexity of asphaltene interactions with other crude oil components, testing is suggested before treatment is initiated. Ben-Bac’s selected microorganisms function in severe downhole conditions, such as high temperatures, and in contact or immersion in generally toxic substances
Ben-Bac™ is normally used in conjunction with other Para-Bac™ products to enhance the control of combined asphaltene-paraffin deposition.
Ben-Bac™ comes as a ready-to-use liquid formulation and can be introduced to the well through the wellbore annulus by pumping or by a permanently installed pressure vessel. Treatment begins with an inoculation to establish the bacterial population of the well system. Thereafter, at predetermined intervals, maintenance doses of Ben-Bac™ can be added to maintain the colony of bacteria.
Handling and Shipping
Ben-Bac™ meets EPA requirements for release into the environment. Special clothing or equipment is not required for handling Ben-Bac™. Routine hygiene should be observed.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS Downloads)
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